Dave Vamfer
Tricks of This Life - Album due Spring/Summer 2025
Dave Vamfer is a UK singer and songwriter who is happy to use whatever style works best for each song. He may combine styles, for example his 'Because We're Ending' is a melodic angst ballad set to a Hip-hop beat. Sometimes Dave's lyrics are profound, sometimes they are 'light'. For Dave what matters is that lyrics, melody, style and arrangement fit together to make music that feels 'right'.

Dave Vamfer should be on your playlist and in your ears. It is not only such a unique way to think about life lyrically but a new way of hearing it presented through this music. - Joshua Macala, 'Raised on Cassettes'
'The songs are filled with wisdom, and a unique vocal and lyrical approach that will stand the test of time'. - 'IndependentArtistsBuzz'.
'Reflective and peppered with wisdom, Vamfer‘s vocal and lyrical approach echoes the enduring optimism of Paul McCartney'. - Kath Galasso, 'On Stage'
'The songs are reflective and thought-provoking. The vocals and lyrics ooze the optimism you usually find in Paul McCartney songs...The uplifting melodies and jangly guitars perfectly compliment Vamfer's soft and calming sound'. - 'Jazz.U' magazine.
'From the very open the release wastes no time to get started. The songs builds themselves up into a sense of true joy which has you captivated right from the start. Vamfer's vocals have a commanding presence for it holds nothing back. His lyrics still possess that sense of beauty about it, just as fresh as it was when it was first penned'. - Emily Hinde, 'The Indie Source'.